
  • A drought tolerant perennial forage sorghum.
  • Can be grazed with cattle from a height of 600mm.
  • Sensitive to frost.
  • Carrying capacity is roughly 1.5 MLU per ha and a DM of 6 tons per ha can be obtained dryland.
  • Good adaptability to wide range of soil types.
  • Suited to warm summer rainfall areas.
  • Makes good quality foggage and can be used to make silage. Add molasses or silage additives for best results.
  • Can cause prussic acid poisoning if wilted, frosted slightly, or damaged from hail when grazed. Caution should be taken if you are in doubt.
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  • Perennial Sorghum – Jaffa


  • 400+ annually or irrigated

Sowing density:

  • Drilled 5-10kg/ha, Broadcast 10-15kg/ha, Irrigated 15-20kg/ha

Planting time:

  • October to February